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MedicKit's purpose is simple:


To provide beautifully designed, perfect kit for medics

all over the world.


How does MedicKit's vast catalogue work?

Consider us as your partner in the huge and complex world of care supplies. Lean on our network of suppliers to find the right kit, at the right price, delivered inline with your expectations. 


What about MedicKit's own products?

For as long as medical services have existed, there has been a need to record the aid we've rendered... And for as long as this need has existed, there has been mediocre, difficult and pointless paperwork to complete. Until now.


Who are team MedicKit?

We're a team of people who've been working and volunteering in the prehospital care environment for a long time. We've seen it all, good practice, bad practice and some awful paperwork. Fed up with rubbish making an already stressful job more difficult, we designed something wonderful.


Since launching our PRF in 2018, we've sold more than 2000 PRF books. Now known as the MedicKit PRF it's being used all over the world.


One supplier.

When you engage with us, you get our undivided attention. 

You need it - we'll find it for you.

You have a specific requirement - our designers will create a bespoke solution for you.

You have a budget challenge - we'll work with you and our suppliers to find the best match. 

You need to engage with your suppliers in a particular way - our flexible and easy invoicing system seamlessly integrates with yours.


Your job is difficult, stressful and highly demanding. We're well aware of that - we do it too. That's why we designed our paperwork to be easy to fill in, it flows with the incident.


When the time comes to the next medic, handover just happens when you follow the logical progression of the form.


Our products are created based on research, practice and care that we've conducted. We'll never sell a product that's not right. We're not out there to make a quick buck, but to spread the word and let everyone benefit from our research.





"I absolutely love this paperwork, it's got everything that I need."

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